The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86314   Message #1611379
Posted By: GUEST,Arne Langsetmo
22-Nov-05 - 02:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs were NOT found in Iraq.
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs were NOT found in Iraq.
Old Guy:

I do. I would think he would be conducting the business of the United States instead of adultery.

So don't vote for him.

If Hillary wasn't a power hungry scumbag like him she would want a divorce but instead she stays with him.

Unlike, say, the many wives of fine, upstanding Republicans such as Newt "Knobby" Gingrich (now on his third, who happened to be an office aide when she slurped his licorice and got him to dump his last one), "Whipped Cream Boobies" Barr, "Bastard Son" Burton, "Homewrecker" Hyde, "Lashes" Livingston, "Limp Balls" Limbaugh (trying for his fourth now), etc. Hell, even the 'Saint' Reagan had one on the side, and eventually dumped his wife to marry her..... Hate to say it, but such folks as Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton just can't compete in that amoral free-for-all....

Yep, the Party Of Greed (that's "God" spelled backwards) is certainly a sterling example of "family values", and honouring vows despite our humanity.... Right?? Isn't that true??? Tell me, Old Guy, doesn't the Republican Party just want you to stand up and sing "Hallelujah, Thank God For An Honest Man"?
