The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86506   Message #1611399
Posted By: GUEST,The Ghost Of Lincoln
22-Nov-05 - 02:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gettysburg Address
Subject: RE: BS: Gettysburg Address
I would beg to ask what words of wisdom, and kindness Bobert would have written and spoken on that day? Would he have bombasted the audience with his wit and intelligence? Unlikely i'm sure. Would his words have tried to bind the wounds of the Nation after such a battle, or just inflame everyone with his corrupted view of history? Would anyone here condem and berate me as a warmonger for simply trying to say something meaningfull and decent for the occasion? Did I not choose words of kindness and contemplation? Did I not speak in such few words, volumes of hope and prayer for a nation to heal its wounds after a relentless Civil war?

I did not think at the time that my words would have been kept in the public mind for so many years; nor expected such accolades for having written and performed a simple public duty to the fallen soldiers. However history records that my speech is regarded as a piece of literature worth reading even today; long after the words on this thread are lost in cyberspace, mine will live on forever engraved as part of my legacy to the nation.

Mr. A. Lincoln