The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1611962
Posted By: GUEST,A
23-Nov-05 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Peace, you are accusing others of being like yourself.
"Nothing personal, but I don't like you". Well, that is a strange way of putting it. I don't believe I like you either and that would have to be considered personal.

Guest, the phone lines were fine the 3 days BEFORE the storm hit which was the time the evacuation should have be enforced.

I give the Governor of LA props for one thing she did after realizing she was in over her head and didn't have a clue, and that was to bring a former FEMA head to run things in the state. GWBs' biggest error was not to have declared martial law a couple days before Katrina hit after the Governor demostrated she was so wish-washy. "Well, give me 24 hours to think about it" A quote from her.

Bobert, was this P-Gator fellow in NO for the 5 days after Katrina hit? ANd, not remember where your info came from "I think it was PBS", isn't good enough. We must be sure of our sources. However, if they said what you alluded to, they are correct. And I am not sand bagging on the 'stuff' you brought forth - it just isn't good enough.

I am here to say that I am sure the city of NO can not be brought back to a pre-Katrina status.
I am also here to say that the true facts of what happened prior and after Katrina will not be known for a long, long time.
Will we all be able to admit our hits and misses on the story when the facts do come out? Should be interesting, don't you think?