The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16949   Message #161204
Posted By: InOBU
11-Jan-00 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: When does Folk = Not political music?
Subject: RE: When does Folk = Not political music?
Hey Gary! Sure there is lots of anti trade union folk, lots of anti left folk, even from the left, as with the song a pal of mine who was in the Abraham Lincoln Brigage in Spain sings,
The Workers flag is growing pink
Its nay say red as you would think!
And Petr, I am afraid Roma were not happy go lucky and nomadic. They were the victems of forced migration, enforced by law, and the depth of discrimination cannot be accounted for by the missdeads of Roma. I accept that you acknowlege the depth of wrong of the descrimination, however, the point of the song is that democracy, as tyrany of the majority at the expence of the minority, is a crime against humanity. Minority rights in any nation, takes the input of anti democratic institutions like courts, and when the courts give 6 month sentences to murderers, because of the color of their skin, democracy fails, and the next step, as we see in two towns in the Czech republic, is walled Ghettos, and then what?
A Ukrainina friend told me not to judge a society by the treatment of a single ethnic minority, well if that is the case, the south in the early part of what is now the last century was doing rather well, eh?
By the way, things are not much better for Roma in the US, where there is some 90% illiteracy, forced migration, and racial profiling by the police, of the perphaps one million Roma here (there are not accurate statistics because of US governmental apathy). So I am not picking on the Czech republic alone. It is only that when the US Congress asked a friend of mine Dr. Dave Crowe, a leading expert of Roma and eastern European history, to list the nations of Eastern Europe from good to bad, on treatement of Roma, he said, we have to start with bad, there is no nation where things are good, but the worst is the Czech Republic, followed closly by Rumania.
Democracy is a greater responsibility than many young nations realize - good luck.