The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16949   Message #161235
Posted By: InOBU
11-Jan-00 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: When does Folk = Not political music?
Subject: RE: When does Folk = Not political music?
Hi Westley:
Rom means man and Roma mean men in Romaness, the language of Gypsies. It is the internal term and proper term for Gypsy, as with many American Indian nations which refer to themselves as the people. Romaness is about 70% Hindi, with persian gramar and barrowed words from many languages. The name Rumania comes from the Roman Empire, and it is just a coincidence that many Roma (my great grandfather among them) where held in slavery in that country up until 1864 ( a good year for ending slavery) Roma slavery in Rumania lasted 600 years. Unlike serfs, Roma were bought and sold and families were broken up. With the end of slavery, Roma were forced onto the roads, no 14th amendment there.
Other Roma people are the Romanichales, Roma of Scottland and England and wales, who were not inslaved, the Tatare, and the Kaale of Scandinavia, all who came out of India as part of the Romani migration about one thousand years ago. Irish Pavees (Travellers) are likely a decendant culture through the intermarrige of nomadic Irish families and Romanichal bands.
Thanks for the interest Westley
All the best