The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86533   Message #1613432
Posted By: GUEST,Jon
25-Nov-05 - 06:44 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Home Network Set-up
Subject: RE: Tech: Home Network Set-up
Oh well. Looks like I've got my own network and other problems today...

I installed a new wireless cardbus card on my laptop yesterday as I had lost the old one. Things seemed fine until I tried to connect to a MySQL database and got the message that (which must have been the IP address dhcp assigned to the card) was not allowed to connect - reasonable enough in itself but it did prompt me to look at the network settings.

Guess what? According to Windoze now, I have no connections at all. Further invetigation is even worse. Device manager reveals I haven't got a single device of any sort - that's right not even a mouse, graphics card or anything not even a processor even though all these devices are clearly working.

I don't know what went wrong in the installation but I run a mixed system and network here of Windoze and Linux. Of the 2, I can assure you that only Windoze is capable of such feats.

I will sort it out - uninstalling the driver doen't work but Windoze at times is unbelievable.