The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86553   Message #1613643
Posted By: wysiwyg
25-Nov-05 - 12:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Proofreading Help Needed ASAP
Subject: Story: SATURDAY RIDE 4

21. Admittedly, something about this proposed ride appealed to me. In truth, I was more excited at the prospect than I could ever remember having been in my life. Amazingly, the final decision was made without any thought of the money.

22. In fact, the final decision was made without any rational thought at all. No cold, calculating, logical decision was this, but purely an emotional response to a stimulating and imaginative challenge to my young (and virtually untested) manhood. My mind was still feebly pointing out the dire consequences of my proposed folly; but I was almost convinced these consequences would be visited on someone else. Nothing bad could possibly happen to me!

23. With a word, I strode into the garage building and over to a corner where a large enamelled sink hung on the wall. Taking off my coveralls and throwing them on an adjacent hook, I proceeded to scrub my hands and wash my face. This was the time for my common sense to assert itself; but as often happens, my common sense deserted me completely.

24. As if from another planet, I heard a voice whisper, "I think he's really going to do it." "He's not that daft," came the quiet rejoinder. A third hushed voice said, "Oh yes he is," which seemed to sum up the situation nicely.

25. I dried my hands and shrugged onto my tunic. With trembling hands I fastened to buttons and the waist belt buckle, and reached for my helmet. "I told you so," came the third voice again. As I turned, my comrades parted to give me an unobstructed passage to the bike.

26. By this time my hands were shaking badly. I gripped the helmet tightly until my knuckles were white. At last the shaking stopped, as with great effort I tried to appear calm. Straddling the machine, I prepared to kick down on the starting lever. Perhaps it wouldn't start. I thought in a forlorn hope, but at the first kick the engine roared into life.