The poem "Choucoune" by Oswald Durand was written in Kreyol, the Haitian French that is used in much Haitian literature today. Oswald Durand published it in the collection, "Rires et pleurs," 1896. The version in the DT and in the Durand-Monton text above is similar in content, but the language is quite different- much more African than that of the poem by Durand.
I know nothing of Haitian-French (Kreyol), or French, or the African-Haitian dialect in the DT text- so I am reminded of Abbott and Costello and "Who's on First?"
I have two renderings of the poem in kreyol, one much longer than the other. The longer one departs from the rhyme scheme and verse form of the other; perhaps two poems have been joined. The shorter (which is from a French website) has seven verses; here are the first two:
CHOUCOUNE (Kreyol) Oswald Durand, 1896
Délè yon gwo touff pingoin L'auf'jou, moin contré Choucoune, Li sourit l'heur' li oué moin, Moin dit: "Ciel! a lâ bell'moune!" Li dit: "On trouvez çà, cher?" P'tits oéseaux ta pé couté nous lan l'air Quand moin songé çà, moin gagnin la peine, Car dimpi jou-là, dé pieds-moin lan chaîne!"
Choucoun' cé yon marabout: Z'yeux-li clairé com' chandelle. Li gangnin tété doubout... -Ah! si Choucoun' té fidèle! -Nous rétécauser longtemps... Jusqu' z'oéseaux lan bois téparaîtr' contents!... Pitôt blié ça, cé trop grand la peine, Car dimpi jou-là, dé pieds moin lan chaîne!