The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86553   Message #1614321
Posted By: JudyB
26-Nov-05 - 06:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Proofreading Help Needed ASAP
Subject: RE: BS: Proofreading Help Needed ASAP
79 - 108

80. Monday morning came, and after breakfast I stood inspection by the Officer of the Day at 0800 hours. Around midmorning, Sgt. Green enetered the squad room and came over to where I was making a pot of tea for the dutry policemen.

83. The rest of the day I was occupied with preparations for my appearance before Col. Charles. My canvas belt and gaiters were scrubbed in the shower room until they were spotless. My cap badge and other brass parts of my equipment were polished until they sparkled. I worked on my boots with polish and saliva, burnishing them with the handle of an old toothbrush and a soft cloth until the boots reflected the light from an adjacent window, My - replace comma with period uniform was pressed to perfection with knife-edge creases. Finally, everything was ready and laid out on the bed in the unoccupied cell next to mine. I did not sleep well Monday night.

84. I awakened early Tuesday morning; I showered, shaved, and carefully dressed. My nervously-churning stomach made breakfast a thing to be avoided, although I did manage a cup of hot, strong tea offered by one of the policemen. By none o'clock I was completely ready, and stood around for the next forty minutes as I didn't want to sit down and spoil the press of my uniform.

90. "No talking!" yelled Mayweather, and looking directly at me ordered, Prisoner - need an open quote before Prisoner, atten-SHUN! Double-time Quick March." This is it, I thought, as I trotted into the office and took my place immediately before Col. Charles, standing at rigid attention.

94. Now I became really afraid, and the enormity of what I had done appalled me. OI - is this Oh, I or just I? knew I must face a Court-Martial, but without any prior experience of soldiers driving through buildings, how would the Court arrive at just punishment? Perhaps, in order to deter others from following my example, they would decide to lock me in the worst military prison they could fined, and destroy the key.

108. As I walked back, past the Colonels' - Colonel's open door, I took a quick glance at him still seated at his desk. Perhaps it was my imagination; perhaps I was mistaken - but I could have sworn Col. Charles was smiling.