The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16949   Message #161481
Posted By: InOBU
11-Jan-00 - 11:34 PM
Thread Name: When does Folk = Not political music?
Subject: RE: When does Folk = Not political music?
Ah so much to speak to...
Rick, as far as venues, we are playing pubs and benifits at present, but the real problem is getting a dependable singer...
Petr, I worked very closely with Czecks of good concscience who were niether Roma or racists, and just as songs about the wrongs the US did during the Viet Nam war effected me as an American, the fact that I fought against the war - well I understood the sentiment, not expecting the song to say - as in the case of the Unfinished Revolution, From the health center porch, she looks to the north where Nicaraguas enimies hide, except for Larry and the sandalistas, who we are cool with... Lets face it, when a democracy builds ghetto walls and tolerates scrores of murders of ethnic minorities without recorce of the courts - unless you concider six monthes in jail courts taking murder of Gypsies serriously, well, in a democracy people must take responcibility for how the world treats them. That is the difference between democracy and totalitarian government, it is not the government who bears responcibility for the acts of the people now, in the Czech republic, it is the Czech people.
Kat, I would love you to sing with us, however, anyone who is not living in New York, well you are among the lucky ones!
McGrath, It is always a pleasure, and thanks for the praise and inspiration. And of cource Bonnie, well, I hope we are playing in Toronto one day.
Back to the scribbling and yeowling...