The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16949   Message #161596
Posted By: GeorgeH
12-Jan-00 - 08:09 AM
Thread Name: When does Folk = Not political music?
Subject: RE: When does Folk = Not political music?
Back there someone said "I frankly don't care to embrace every worthy cause out there". That frightens me. If a cause is worthy then we ALL must embrace it - in our hearts and minds even if we don't have time to work actively in the cause.

And, of course, there's good and bad political song (and which is which is a matter of personal taste) - just as with every other type of song. And - clearly - some political song is much more "of its moment" than, say, a love song. But may the heavens save me from performers who don't really care about the subjects they sing about, and from performers whose cares don't extend into areas "political".
