The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86568   Message #1616585
Posted By: Joybell
29-Nov-05 - 03:33 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: A good song for Little John please
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A good song for Little John please
Thanks, Brian. If it wasn't so obscure the kids would love it. Especially with the word "titty" in it.
Funny connection though with our last/first show. The hall where we perform is badly designed. There are no performer's toilets. They demolished the ones outside the stage door and we have to go around the hall to the ones at the front. So as not to have our costumes and makeup seen by the audience we went to great lengths to sneak around when they weren't using them. I joked that we should re-name the Pantomime "Piss in Boots". Cheers, Joy