The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16949   Message #161807
Posted By: InOBU
12-Jan-00 - 05:05 PM
Thread Name: When does Folk = Not political music?
Subject: RE: When does Folk = Not political music?
My sentiments are quite simple, murra dekka janeh avin Berlod Rumania, Roma. My mothers people came from Berlod, Rumanina, Roma, and slaves. Even if that was not the case, my sentiments are quite easy to fathom, if a mob murders a young mother and the courts look the other way, the government which those courts represent have something to answer to himan kind. You obviously did not read my post very carefully, because I did not speak anything at all about a preference for a benivelent dictatorship, a supposition on your part when I say that Roma have been left out of Czech freedom, but rather I was very clear that courts, being a non-political un demoratic function of government, are in almost every instance the first and last bastion for the rights of hated minorities. This seems to be a very simple notion. The Czech courts and the masses of Czech citizens have, in their treatment of Roma, shirked a major responcibility of democracy. Do I think things were better under communism. I will give you some material for a good ripe ad hominum attack on me. The ONLY countries where there is mesurable literacy for Roma communities, and even some with graduate degrees, happen to be socialist or communist nations. Is that an endorcement of centralised governmental power, no, not at all, but, something was being done right that has been overlooked in many capitolist democracies.