The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86221   Message #1618202
Posted By: GUEST,Olive Whatnoll
01-Dec-05 - 10:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Cor! If I 'ad a dog or a budgerigar wot was as mentally defishent as you, Mr Teribbus Horribilis, I would 'ave the bloody fing put down! Why don't YOU go to Iraq and see if you can find them WMDs? A genious loik you ought to be able to do it if anyone can. Ah, yes, I can just see it...a few weeks from now...on the telly... "Britons are gobsmacked and deeply saddened to 'ear that Terribus Horribilis, a famous Blair backer, 'as been kidnapped by the Iraqi insurgents and 'eld for a gigantic ransom of 85 million quid...specially seein' that no one 'as been found wot's willin' to pay it!" I would pity them Arab fellahs because you would talk 'em all into insensibility if not insanity. If they done away wif you it would be self-defence against cruel and unusual treatment. That's the way I sees it. Bloody 'ell, wot a lot of wasted time 'ere, isn't it? Why not discuss the soccer 'ooligans or somefink loik that wot provides a little possibility for real debate? That's wot I say. This is a lot of rubbish.