The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86768   Message #1618531
Posted By: GUEST,The Giant Squid
02-Dec-05 - 10:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Tavern Holiday erudition (2005)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Tavern Holiday erudition (2005)
Shuffling off behind the threesome, the squid is heard to mutter "direct pressure. Didn't anyone teach these two about direct pressure?" A moment later there is a giddy laugh, a small shriek, then a muffled curse as the squid seizes Santa around his middle so [not] small and tumbles him into the sea. Where he has enough purchase that he can stop the bleeding but nearly drowns Santa in the process. Hauling Santa back onto the beach, it can be seen that the squid's mighty beak has cleanly sheered off the handcuffs, ropes and chains.

"Remember, Santa, I want a REAL Rolex for each arm, not any of those cheesy Chinatown knockoffs."