The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16949   Message #161869
Posted By: Richard Bridge
12-Jan-00 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: When does Folk = Not political music?
Subject: RE: When does Folk = Not political music?
Hi again InoBU.

An interesting thread, and this time I am close to supporting you (which may cause you concern) but I repsectfully submit that if you look at the songs which ahve become folk music (I'm not going to debate the definition here, just suggest some debaters go away and look it up, I've posted it before) have not only hypnotic scansion but a special quality of memorability of the words or tune. I don't write songs much, and the only one in current repertoire is indeed political, and it does get requested (more I think for the melodic hook in the first line of the chorus than the rest of it) but I don't think it will make the cut and still be there in 100 years. Too many people write impassioned songs and assume the passion is enough. WIth respect I suggest your songs lack that - compare Paxton's "the death of Stephen Biko". NOI. And if you want to understand the other side you should listen to any of the (no- longer fashionable) "OI" bands and many punks and post-punk skin bands. In the same way if you want to understand current disco music you have to relate it to E.