The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86786   Message #1618940
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
02-Dec-05 - 07:36 PM
Thread Name: I just discovered Phil Och's music
Subject: RE: I just discovered Phil Och's music
I have to say that Love Me I'm A Liberal is one of my favorite Phil Ochs' pieces in how he skewers many of society's hypocrocies so well. He even---in the live version---makes sure the audience gets it in the Malcolm X verse.

As to the DAR. My recollection is that it had to do with their hypocrisy involving a Marian Anderson concert and was a nice play on words. Sort of like John Stuart (Daily Show) skewering people today. The Dykes n Bikes business has, surely, to do with a send up of rags like Star, Enquirer, etc;   That is what his type of music is about--and if yu do not get it then you do not understand satire.   

Recently I MCd a concert and in the intermission a woman came up to me and asked me if I had the lyrics to the artist's songs---since where did he think he was going with his parody of Santa Claus. A truly funny piece that offended no one but reindeers---and people who like the commercialism of Christmas.   She was gay (why that word) and felt she was being impugned.   Time for more senses of humor and ---what do they say now---ease up a bit and relax

Bill Hahn