The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86542   Message #1619238
Posted By: Artful Codger
03-Dec-05 - 09:15 AM
Thread Name: Luddites & Mill Song
Subject: RE: Luddites & Mill Song
HFA: You've misunderstood. When I said "close", I was referring to the two versions of "Cropper Lads" (the "Killens'" version I posted and the one at the site I quoted from); I wasn't comparing "Cropper Lads" to your song or talking about some "Killens'" version of your song.

Nor did I claim your count was wrong and the other source's right, I merely noted the discrepancy from what was in the section I quoted (for quite a different reason.) Maybe Markham's right, maybe wrong; maybe they're both right, in their own contextual scopes. And maybe you presumed all sixteen were tried and hung when Markham (per the quote you provide) doesn't necessarily say that. Whatever the case, I hardly think I was "quibbling" by mentioning it; to my mind, quibbling involves deliberate contentiousness.

As for Malcolm, his supplemental information is welcome, but his demeaning attitude, not a whit. And when he presumes to impose his own narrow standards on other people's posts, well, he deserves just what he got. I don't tell other people how to post (except when their noses butt into my business), and I expect the same consideration.

Now, how about returning to the topic?