The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86893   Message #1619386
Posted By: zak
03-Dec-05 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is the U.S. guilty of war crimes?
Subject: RE: BS: Is the U.S. guilty of war crimes?
dianvan you are unpatriotic, our very existence as a nation depends on controlling middle east oil, if ever opec countries decide to change the oil standard from the dollar then we are doomed.
You can go on about war crimes as much as you want but we need to preserve the dollar as the oil trading currency otherwise very soon we will become bankrupt, America exports human rights, culture and justice to the rest of the world but we cannot do this by relying on our own economy as we are not self sufficient. Look at how the euro rocketed when saddam changed from the dollar to the Euro.
We must stop europe and GW is the man to do it. We are very much in debt to China and we cant afford to let this opportunity slip to once more be the strongest economic powerin the world.
GW is a very wise man, he knows the weaknesses in europe, only very recently he persuaded tony blair to lobby for trhe inclusion of turkey in the EU. This will of course cause great trouble in Europe and help introduce radical islamic fundamentalism , but that is what we as americans need, the more we can destabilise those b*stards the more america will prosper and GW had the foresight to see this,
If Iraqis die in order to achieve this then so be it but would you rather see our great land slip into oblivion?