The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86918   Message #1619743
Posted By: Teribus
04-Dec-05 - 08:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Katrina - Who Was To Blame?
Subject: RE: BS: Katrina - Who Was To Blame?
GUEST 03 Dec 05 - 10:50 PM - Very good post, all points clearly stated.

Now what was the response:

Bobert - 03 Dec 05 - 11:02 PM - Personal attack, a load of assumptions, not one single point offered by GUEST above addressed.

Bobert - 03 Dec 05 - 11:27 PM - More Bobert waffle, absolutely nothing of any consequence, and this on a subject he promised us all that he'd done his homework on. Knowing from previous experience that is all likely to be about West-Ginny Slide Rules, word on the street, heads on sticks and partiot missiles.

Bobert - 03 Dec 05 - 11:41 PM - More waffle but it contains this Bobert Classic:

"No matter, whoever wrote this dribble needs a good butt whup..."


"I done a lot or research on the Katrina response and it seems that I got the goods on both Bush and Chertoff but seems that the Bushite's have sniffed out my arguments so they are just ignoring me..."

Eh Bobert if you believe so then why aren't you doing it, I mean butt whuppin'. Seems to me that GUEST 03 Dec 05 - 10:50 PM has laid his/her stall out rather well for someone such as yourself, who has done a lot of research to counter the contentions made point for point, but you seem rather reluctant to do so - Why is that Bobert?