The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86921   Message #1620128
Posted By: Bobert
04-Dec-05 - 10:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
Subject: RE: BS: What if there was no Mudcat?
Well, it's been 'bout 7 years now when my late wife, Judy, died os cancer leavin' me in our house with nuthin' but a compudder..


Well, one night I called my sonm and asked him how to turn it on and then, somehow ended up at Tweedsblues... Now fir those of you who ain't been to Tweedsblues, its like Mayberry, R.F.D. and so I set up shop there... It was the only place I hung and still do, fir that matter..

Then Spaws come over and was visitin' Tweeds so I followed hi back home to the big city an' so I stop in here at night to fight with the knotheads, to get a few new ideas and to occasionaly talk a little music, though there ain't a lot of bluers players in Mudville....

Then I go back home to Tweedburg, where things ain't as agressive and folks talks a little slower an'...

But, yeah, I would miss the Big City life... You know, the excitement... Folks out on the streets all day and night long, talkin' 'bout anything and everything... Hey, I think we all need some of that...

But we also beed a little of Tweedsburg just to keep us balanced...

Hey, don't have to be Tweedsburg but something like that...
