The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87044   Message #1622506
Posted By: GUEST,Old Lad
08-Dec-05 - 02:54 AM
Thread Name: Quiz again
Subject: Quiz again
I promised my 7 year old newphew that you good people could come up with the answers .......... now you wouldn't want to let a 7 year old down ........ would you

For Example

6 W of H the E = Six wifes of Henry the Eighth
2 S of a L's T = Two shakes of a Lambs Tail

of you go ..........

118 E in the PT
10 E in a D
13 C in a S
16 P in C
P2 and 2T
2 S in a P
180 P in a C
7 S in a H
3 B in the HE
9 M in a HBGP