The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46450   Message #1622809
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
08-Dec-05 - 11:33 AM
Thread Name: Singing from books: Why?
Subject: RE: Singing from books: Why?
I never sing from books! Of the 200 or so songs I sing I have learned words and accompaniment by constant repetition.

How damn lucky I am that God, in his wisdom, gave me the memory to do that.

It never bothers me to see a singer/musician using a music stand, and singing/playing from sheet or book, whether amateur or professional.

All I require from him/her is the best performance of the work of which he/she is capable.

Surely that should be the desire of every listener.

There are many performers whom I admire who need to do this, and some of them are able to produce stunning renditions of songs they could not attempt otherwise.

Those of us who decry the use of written aids should ask themselves whether they would prefer to miss out on a musical tour-de-force, if the musician has to use sheet music to produce it. I believe that the only honest answer to that question should be a resounding NO.

Don T.