Just turned up a full page of the New Haven Register 1961 all about the Fest and other going ons at that time lots of names mentionned and photos of the fest. THo my tapes have it as 1969 with the following Cliff Haslam Tom Paley Golden Nectar Jug band OLd time string band, Karl Ekland, John and TOny, Harry and Jean west, Pete Colby, Gordon Boc, Jim McGraph, Allan Block, Boc and Sarah Grey. By 1970 Dave and Jo-Anne Goldia Apple country string band Randy Burns Chet and Maggie I will have to confer with the wife as to times and places.After the Indian Neck People graduated Yale THe Hoots seemed to split up. Some carried on as the New Haven Folk Music Soc. meeting at Yale in the "Enormous Room" Later becoming THe Branford folk music Soc. Some also carried on at a coffie house Howe St. also at a store front on Wall St run by a church in New Haven
Indian Neck continued as a once a year gathering in Modus, CT for some time, then at camp Isabella Freedman in North West CT.
I will have to see what else I can dig up Allan Schwartz