The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86981   Message #1623074
Posted By: Metchosin
08-Dec-05 - 03:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Avoid Nevada
Subject: RE: BS: Avoid Nevada
I discovered I was driving with expired decals for a couple of weeks last month. It shook me up a bit, but obviously not enough to smarten me up. This has been the second time in the past year I've done it.

Fortunately I'm still not as bad as my husband. He was pulled over while driving our daughter's car, only to discover that he had forgotten to renew his driver's license a couple of months previously.

The officer at least allowed the vehicle to be towed to our home, rather than impounding it or he and the dog, instead of riding in the tow truck, to the dog's delight, would have had a long walk. Quite nice of the police really, considering the dog had tried to take his face off when he leaned in the car window and considering, that a few weeks earlier my husband had received a call from the police station regarding some unpaid gas as well.

Seems he, described by the gas station attendant as, "an older man, who drove off slowly from the pumps", had forgotten to pay for his gas. When the police called us on the phone, my husband said, ÒOh no, how can that be?Ó The officer said, ÒAre you over 40?Ó And when my husband replyed, ÒYes,Ó the officer said trailing off, in a sad sort of way, ÒMe too.Ó LOL