The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87153   Message #1624971
Posted By: Phil Cooper
11-Dec-05 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: Get Off The Stage
Subject: RE: Get Off The Stage
If we're in a situation where the music is a secondary reason to be at an event we get either indifference because people are there with a different agenda. Or, when they listen, we get "What kind of music is that?" Sometimes we've gotten long time fans playing those sorts of gigs. Margaret and I did Rendezvous (late eighteenth/early nineteenth century period gig)when the weather was really chilly (mid 40's with high winds). We sang a lot of a capella stuff because it was too cold to play guitar well. We offered some high school kids a chance to get out of the wind underneath the awning of the stage we were on. We sang them a couple old ballads, they wound up buying a recording and came back this year asking for "Death of Young Andrew."

Their reason for liking what we do, is probably entirely different than our reason for doing it.