The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87153   Message #1625037
Posted By: saulgoldie
11-Dec-05 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: Get Off The Stage
Subject: RE: Get Off The Stage
It's funny that you should start this thread now. I have been mulling in my mind just who my audience is and what are the circumstances.

I am not a pro. I don't write my own songs. I can't (or won't) do many of the popular requested songs ("play 'Freebird!' Wooooo!"). But I HAVE accumulated a fair number of "interesting" songs (and SOME of the classics, too) from my listening and prepared many of them for performance.

I used to play at retirement homes on ocassion. But I suspect that they would have rather had the classics and favorites rather than my carefully chosen jewels. And I stopped playing at all for awhile, so I stopped the gigs, too.

I have played a few times at family gatherings. But family being family, I don't know if they are just being polite and tolerant, or honest in their appreciation.

I suppose I could frequent the open mics a little more aggressively. But there you usually only get maybe 15 minutes at the most, and often only one song. I have HOURS of material, and vignettes, too.

Perhaps I have but an audience of one, which has value, I know. But I'd like to share with more people and not feel like I am forcing myself on them.