The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87185 Message #1625693
Posted By: Bill D
12-Dec-05 - 11:58 AM
Thread Name: Free Music Download Advert on Mudcat
Subject: RE: Free Music Download Advert on Mudcat
well, SRS, I never see that sort of thing happen, because I use 'protection'....mostly in the Proxomitron. The site Joe links just opens normally and makes way too many offers...(so's to speak)
They have a disclaimer which says "Share Responsibly
File sharing is not illegal so long as you abide by all relevant copyright laws. Sharing copyrighted material without the permission to do so is illegal."
Right! Then they make lots of stuff available and say "it's up to YOU to make sure what you take doesn't upset anyone!"
*tsk*...It won't upset Clinton Hammond, it will bother Big Mick....YMMV