The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77169   Message #1626170
Posted By: Little Hawk
12-Dec-05 - 11:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraqi elections.
Subject: RE: BS: Iraqi elections.
Darned right, Number 6. They're better at it than most of us, because they grew up in a place which helped them mature some before they reached adulthood. That is my point. They are willing and ready to work HARD. How many of us are? A few.

We are encouraged to remain immature, as far as I can see, and many of us do. Not all of us, by any means, but many. I consider myself pretty immature next to most Third World people I've met.

I am not in the least surprised that Third Worlders would want to come here and enjoy our affluence. What I'm saying is, that our affluent society is way out of touch with reality in a psychological sense...although it's very advanced in a material sense.

People always want to move up materially. That's natural. We all want to, if given the opportunity. But what have we lost by being born into an unreal circumstance where a child's companion is the TV?

Notice how many of our greatest North American entertainers came out of a poverty-stricken or humble background? It made them tough. It gave them drive.

Bring up an animal in a cage and overfeed it every day and present it with little or no natural challenges, and what happens to it? I think that's kind of what has happened to affluent middle-class North Americans since WWII ended. We got spoiled.

I do consider our elections a farce. I wish it weren't so, but that's how I see it. The parties do not represent the people, and the way the system is set up, they can't. They represent those who fund them.