The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87086   Message #1626800
Posted By: Folkiedave
13-Dec-05 - 07:43 PM
Thread Name: The right to sing?
Subject: RE: The right to sing?
I will ignore the fact that after a third opportunity you have not yet produced evidence that the carols in Sheffield are threatened. Indeed you have singularly failed to address the issue once challenged.

Third parties now have to decide to obtain the required licences to enable us to express ourselves socially together in music making.
They will only choose to do this if they consider (or are allowed to consider) that it will be financially viable for them to do so

Roger, has it ever occured to you, and I honestly suspect it may not have done, that not everyone likes music? And that even music lovers do not like folk music? Has it over occurred to you that an owner/tenant/manager of a pub has a choice as to whether he or she actually lets you in to their pub? Let alone lets you in to their pub and then allows you to make music?

This applies to the law in Scotland (which I admire) just as much as it does in England. The right to make music in a pub is subject to the landlord's agreement. He or she may have all sorts of reasons why they do not want it, on a day, on a particular night, or forever.

If you want an unfettered right to make music where and when you or a group of friends personally want to make music, then as far as I know it doesn't happen anywhere in the world.

But no doubt you have examples where it does happen.