The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87293   Message #1628913
Posted By: SINSULL
16-Dec-05 - 01:39 PM
Thread Name: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
No one complained, Jeri. I was just a bit embarrassed when I viewed an assortment of fuzz covered butts on people who didn't know they were fuzz covered.

Tinsel poops - the ultimate tinsel poop event at my house involved a cat producing a large round stool with imbedded tinsel. The tinsel didn't fully evacuate and said cat ran around the house with tinsel hanging out his butt and a large blob of shit on the end of the tinsel. He ran in terror from the thing that was chasing him. I had read that one does not grab at the offending tinsel lest it be caught in the intestines and result in a disebowelment. Life is never dull at my house. I managed to catch the cat and cut ogg the blob. It all came out in the end.