The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87316   Message #1629747
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
17-Dec-05 - 08:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Domestic Spying in the U.S.
Subject: RE: BS: Domestic Spying in the U.S.
Amazing!! I have been saying those things the Guest above posted since about 6 months after 9-ll. The constitution has been diminished, civil liberties are under the strongest attack ever, George Bush stole the election that put him into his first term, and now, from what I've read recently, I gather he actually said that "the constitution is only a scrap of paper!"-------- After I made my posts, I was attacked as being on the borderline of treason in this forum. And every day we must hear and absorb more about the nearly unthinkable un-American activities being foisted on us all by this administration.

Rexford G. Tugwell wrote a book a while ago called The Roosevelt Revolution. It detailed that first year of Franklin D. Roosevelt's time in office. If that was a revolution then, one that took us out of the depression and gave us some actual social security, then what I've seen going down now is certainly that--and much more. The robber barons are back in charge though---and they are running with the $$$$$$$$$$ ! It will be up to the young generation to stop, or at least slow down, these abuses. But all they want to do is make their killing in the stock market.

It is terribly sad.
