The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87316   Message #1631678
Posted By: Bobert
20-Dec-05 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Domestic Spying in the U.S.
Subject: RE: BS: Domestic Spying in the U.S.
Ahhhh, toi both A and Old Guy,

I think the 4th Amendment purdy mush stops the president from spying on Americans...

Ain't no read 'um and weep about it... Purdy straight foraward language...

Now to Wit" Bush says that the 4th amendment don't count in times of "war"... Well, he and Gonzalez are both lawyers so did it ecver occur to either of them that techincally and legally, the United States is ***not*** actually at war...

The Conngressional Resolution authorized Bush to use force, if all other remedies failed but did not issue a declaration of war...


Bush claims that he can violate the constitution because he says we are at war yet no war has been declared????

Tell you what, folks, this is one danged slippery slope that Bush is taking the country down... It has hurt our reputation around the world... Now, not only can Bush have anyone in the world kidnapped and rendered (tortored) but he can snoop on any one he wants to...

And I have sickening feeling that there's another shoe gettin'
ready to drop...
