The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87400   Message #1631693
Posted By: Big Mick
20-Dec-05 - 06:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Merry Christmas!!
Subject: RE: BS: Merry Christmas!!
I don't much care for Nina's style, but there is some validity in her point. In any number of threads I have seen my atheist/agnostic friends ridicule those of us who have some sort of theistic view on the world. It does seem that it is OK for folks to ridicule and attack Christians while the reverse is not allowed and is attacked.

A large percentage of this, IMO, is due to fundamentalist Christians and their need to witness and proselytize. It is also due to the fact that Christianity was the religion of the Europeans who colonized the US, Africa, and much of the Middle East. As the world has moved past this age, the resentment of imposed religion has surfaced.

Whatever the cause, let this Celtic Catholic Christian (whatever that means ...... actually I have a pretty good idea what it means but that is another thread) wish you all the blessings of this world. When I say that, I mean no offense to anyone, rather that I would like you to know that I beleive this is a season of joy at the birth of my saviour, and I wish you all the blessings that brings to me. I celebrate my holiday, and yours. It is a season, despite the commercial crap, in which we all look forward to the lengthening days, to the warming of the Earth Mother, to the beauty that will be ours to behold again. I believe this is the gift from God. Whatever you believe to be true, I celebrate this rebirth with you.

