The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87356 Message #1632190
Posted By: Pirate of Cape Ann
21-Dec-05 - 11:23 AM
Thread Name: Three Sheets (to the Wind)
Subject: RE: Three Sheets (to the Wind)
No, no, no!
In your last you said that "The sheet is on the leeward side and the tack is to windward." On a fore, and aft rig, the "Tack" of the sail is the bottom corner against the mast and could not be "to windward" as it stays "Tacked" in the center of the boat, As for the sheets, which control the position of the "Clew" of the sail (because one needs to have a "clue" as to where to put it) there are two, the unused one, on the windward side of the boat is referred to as the "Lazy Sheet"
And as for sailing, I am serious about my offer. I own and live aboard a 28-foot L. F. Herreshoff designed sloop. The Jesse Boyce is based on his Solitaire, design No. 76, but she was built much stronger then L.F.H. had intended as the builder was considering a circumnavigation. She was launched in Ipswich in 1984. and I bought her in '91 and still, I wouldn't hesitate to take her anywhere, any time!