The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87464   Message #1633088
Posted By: Alba
22-Dec-05 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: What brings us together...
Subject: RE: BS: What brings us together...
From Rudyard Kipling:
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind."

Lovely idea for a Thread Kat. Lovely Poem.
I look back on the Threads from previous Holiday Seasons on the Mudcat and giggle at all the fun and laughter on those Threads...those Threads that bind us:>)

There seems to be a different atmosphere these days. Sign of the times perhaps.
I find myself posting less and less (ok ok...some folks may be glad of that and see it as an act of kindness:>)
I read some Threads these days and wince at some of the cruelty in the words posted by some.

Kindness is not and never has been and never will be in short supply on the Mudcat though...perhaps the Humor and Seasonal Spirit has just went underground for a while where cruelty can't find it..***BG***
Much love to all the Friends I have made here and also to those I have yet to meet...Cyberwise and in person.
Again, lovely Opening Quote Kat...
Brightest Blessings