The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87464   Message #1633407
Posted By: Bobert
22-Dec-05 - 08:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: What brings us together...
Subject: RE: BS: What brings us together...
BigPinkLad all over this one....

Yeah, what brings us together is "love"... Okay, maynot that drooling kinds stuff that teenagers have but the kind that makes us stop to help someone on the side of the road... Or to spend time with the dieing....

Yeah, that's love, and that is ***exactly*** what "brings us together"...

There are folks, however, who don't have the concept of love, that love for their fellow man or for this Earth, and so they do whatever they can to create things to tear us apart... The start wars, they discriminate aginst minorites, they find any emotional issue to keep us from bridging gaps...

But, hey, if we can collectively see thru these folks motives, which always come down to personal greed, and just keep our good eye on a star and focused on love of life, love of out fellow amn and love of our planet, we will be eternally stuck together like glue...


p.s. Yeah, I know that I do battle with the "divisionists' here who represent the greedy folks but I do battle with love in my heart...