The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1634135
Posted By: Bobert
23-Dec-05 - 06:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Haha, C-Bar...

You couldn't be further wrong if you got up at the 4:00 in the morning and packed two lunches for the task...

No, I believe very much in "govern"ment... That, my fried isn't anarchy...

But, first, what I would have done was after 9/11 and having told people that I was out to protect them, I wouldn't have allowed FEMA to get kicked so far down the food chain that if the United Sates was hit again by terrorists that the country would have no agency with the tools to deal with the aftermath... That is what Bush did... He allowed a fully functional department that had the resources and knowledge to deal with such events to be gutted...

Even the last Secretary of FEMA, who had run Bush's 2000 election, quit is disgust when FEMA was gutted...

So in answering your question, C-Bar, alllot of what IO wopuld have done is not doing alot of what Bush did... Seems that everything that Clinton had done, Bush just thought he had some mandate because he had better lawyers that Gore to undo... So he undid FEMA and then when the country needed a rapid response after a national catastrope, there wasn't a fully functional FEMA to call upon...

I think if the Martians were to drop in and take a loof at what went on that Bush is closer to be the anarchist...
