The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87477   Message #1634193
Posted By: GUEST
23-Dec-05 - 07:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Waiting for Moderate Arab Voices...
Subject: RE: BS: Waiting for Moderate Arab Voices...

The statement that the other governments had not commented may be false- I do not know- BUT the statement BEING QUOTED I have seen no indication is other than what was said.

"You are quoting extremists, CarolC. Moderate "Israeli" voices are all around you. If you want to hear them, take your earplugs out (and take your blinders off). "

Be carefull- from now on, this can be MY reply to ANY critism you make of Israeli statements. I was looking for refences to Arab press denunciations of the statement, but have been met with more bigotry than even YOU have claimed is being placed on Moslems.

Thank you for the refences.

"DUBAI, United Arab Emirates -- Arab governments appeared reluctant Thursday to condemn Iran's president for calling the Holocaust a "myth" used by Europeans to create a Jewish state in the heart of the Islamic world.

While official Arab reaction in such cases is usually slower than international reaction, any issue involving a defense of Israel is a thorny one for Arab governments, who risk appearing to side with Israel against a Muslim nation.
The comments by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, broadcast live Wednesday on state-run Iranian television, drew quick condemnation from Israel, the European Union and the United States.

However, in the United Arab Emirates, the top three Arabic-language newspapers buried the remarks deep in their Thursday editions, with no commentary. Newspapers in the country are government-controlled.

In neighboring Saudi Arabia, government-controlled newspapers picked up the statements from international news agencies and ran them on inside pages. They did not comment on them.

Arabic language newspapers circulated widely in the Arab world, such as the London-based Al-Hayat and Asharq Al-Awsat, carried the news on their front pages, but also without editorials."


Iran's hardline press largely rallied round the president's first Holocaust remarks but the Islamic Iran Participation Front, Iran's leading reformist party, printed a critical statement in the liberal Sharq daily on Wednesday.

"Provocation...and starting this sort of talk, which benefits neither Iranians nor oppressed Palestinians, will only increase consensus on supporting the (Israeli) regime and will unify the approach against Iran," it said. "

quotes from 2 of the 3 blue stickies- the third did not work.

So, WHERE are all those moderate Arab voices, so I can read their side?