The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87356   Message #1634235
Posted By: Charley Noble
23-Dec-05 - 08:09 PM
Thread Name: Three Sheets (to the Wind)
Subject: RE: Three Sheets (to the Wind)

My wife JudyB may give you some pointers on recording and editing after the holidays. She is a dedicated techie and is primarily responsible for the producing the CD's I been pointing out. I'll certainly bring a set for show and tell for the next Press Room shanty sing in January.

And I'd certainly love to join you some weekend for a sail.

By the way, you probably know Daisy Nell and Capt. Stan. I've been listening to their new CD, Heartbeat from the Sea, and note that they sing a song Daisy composed about the Adventure.

Charley Noble