The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80010   Message #1634610
Posted By: Billy Weeks
24-Dec-05 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Buttercup Joe - how old is this song?
Subject: RE: Origins: Buttercup Joe - how old is this song?
Anyone wanting to follow up George Bastow should note that the recently published number (45) of Tony Barker's 'Music Hall' magazine contains Part 1 of his biog of Bastow. If he follows his usual method, Part 2 will end with a complete discography.

Available from Barker for £5, from 68 Hawkes Road, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 3JG - and the other 44 issues are worth buying too (mostly at £3.50 each) by anyone with an interest in music hall songs and singers. All solid, well researched stuff.