The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87544 Message #1635628
Posted By: John O'L
27-Dec-05 - 05:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan Chronicles
Bobad - Thanks for the advise about the Van Ronk book. I'll look for that.
Ron - Interesting. My searches turned up Gargoyle's Biography thread, which, although interesting, is not about the book. The two threads about the book eluded me. Spooky.
Little Hawk - I too started reading with subdued expectations and have been more than pleasantly surprised. Reading his words about those times reminds me very vividly of why he first appealed to me. There is some very powerful stuff just thrown in there seemingly haphazardly, ammongst the narrative, which would be a fascinating read no matter whose life it was about.