The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87561   Message #1635922
Posted By: GUEST,Bobert Still in North Carolina
28-Dec-05 - 07:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Advice for anti-war anti-bushites here
Subject: RE: BS: Advice for anti-war anti-bushites here
Ahhhh, not to be splitting hairs here but I've been thinking about this thread and think it's about time to challenge the terms "rant"and "Bush bashers"...

Yeah, I believe that thosse of us who have been critical of the in-humane, anti Earth policies of the Bush "administartion" have not been forcefull enough enough when ***labeled*** Bush bashers and ranters... This derbate needs to be re-framed into one of basic values on human life and care foe the planet we all share...

This ain't about ranting and it certainly iisn't about bashing Bush, the man... It is, however, very much about standing up to policies which tend to favor war, greed and the wealthy...

Yeah, from here out, for all of you folks who thought you might be beyond thinking you won't get a challenge in using either the "r" word or the "B-b" word as if its a victory you have somehow won, forget it... Them days is over...

Sheriff Bobert