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Thread #87580   Message #1636034
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
28-Dec-05 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Advice for Pro-War Bushites
Subject: RE: BS: Advice for Pro-War Bushites

Stop being such an ass. Nobody denies the fact that it was right to stop Hitler, and BTW, had he won you would not have been speaking any language at all, my friend.

The Iraq conflict does not equate in any sense with WW2. To invade a sovereign nation on false pretences, having doctored initially suspect intelligence to support that action, does not afford much opportunity to take a high moral stance. To make an unholy mess of handling the aftermath of that ill considered action, does nothing for the credibility of the governments involved. To place authority in the hands of a man who is voted out, at the first opportunity, by that nation says much about the stupidity of those who thought he would be acceptable.

The fact that the man in charge is still talking about victory, in spite of the above, leads one seriously to doubt his ability to do the job for which he was elected.

George W Bush is, without doubt, the most unmitigated disaster of a president ever elected in the United States.

This post is not to to be considered pro-terrorist. I regard them as somewhat lower than pond life. You may consider it as Anti Bush, if you wish, as I really don't care. It is definitely PRO-AMERICAN, as I truly believe that America is a great country still, though much of the world would disagree at the moment.

What is needed is to shed your current crop of corporate lackeys, and elect an honest government. It doesn't matter if that is Republican or Democrat (they are only names), so long as it is honest. The right men are there, if you look hard enough.

Don T.