The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87568 Message #1636093
Posted By: katlaughing
28-Dec-05 - 12:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christmas/12th Night Tale by CapriUni
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas/12th Night Tale by CapriUni, CU, It's where I did WindWords of Wyoming and no upfront costs. Self-published with them doing the printing. You set the price and they will chip directly to whomever; you can have your own store there where folks can order and cafepress handles all of the transactions. They have a variety of formats, as professional as one could wish. If you want to PM me your addy, I'll send you a copy so you can judge their work for yourself. If you want an ISBN number for it, there are brokers, now, who can get ou just one, instead of having to buy ten at a time as I did. More info if you'd like, by PM.:->