The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87561   Message #1636446
Posted By: Amos
28-Dec-05 - 10:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Advice for anti-war anti-bushites here
Subject: RE: BS: Advice for anti-war anti-bushites here
Old Guy:

I only complain about tyrrany, stupidity and evil-mindedness, and then only when I see others being buffaloed by it. As in your case. I am generally a cheerful, affectionate, productive guy with lots to do and good reasons to do it. I just don't like seeing a gang of thugs mess with the sandbox, that's all.

I have read Peale, long ago, and a number of other such works, like Carnegie's famous winning friends and influencing peole.

You are completely right that, in general, we are much happier pursuing positive goals and targets. I spend almost all my time doing so. The posts I put up here take very little of my day and fulfill a commitment of mine not to remain silence in the face of tyranny. Nothing is worse than not communicating when the time for communicating is upon you.

Hope you have a wonderful and busy New Year, full of more accurate observations than heretofore.