The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87561   Message #1636495
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
28-Dec-05 - 11:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Advice for anti-war anti-bushites here
Subject: RE: BS: Advice for anti-war anti-bushites here
Good thoughts from Chopra. Pretty much, it is good advice too. And it comes down to being a paraphrase of the title of a book that is very important to me. That volume is Alan Watts' "The Wisdom Of Insecurity" But remember that acceptance of just about everything leads to living a life without getting bent out of shape when one sees obvious travesties being perpetrated. If we all did that, there never would've been an American Revolution, or any other revolution. Nobody would have bothered to do it.

Another good book it Rexford G. Tugwell's called "THE ROOSEVELT REVOLUTION."-----and a volume that has not been written yet ought to get the title "The Bush Revolution." No, this has not been a bloodless revolution. The war is proof of that. "9-11" was the excuse for the revolution. It will, alas, be up to a generation with more youth, health, and energy than what I now possess to try to take some of the good things back again. But it will take a long time to do it. You young ones have your work cut out for you!!

I hope you're up to the job! Many good and humane attitudes are now being jettisoned while I am being forced to watch. And it, seemingly, will make the last part of my life time a very sad and definitely a less than pleasurable span of years.

Art Thieme