The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87594   Message #1636970
Posted By: GUEST,drive 'em out
29-Dec-05 - 07:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Older Drivers are Killers
Subject: RE: BS: Older Drivers are Killers
Bad & dangerous drivers of all ages need culling;

Minimum age should be raised to at least 18.

[exceptions could possibly be made for rigorously tested special licences for 17 year olds
who can prove their job depends on driving need]

Lifetime bans should be more readily imposed for 1st serious driving offense,
and also for persistent serial medium category offenders.

Maximum age should be negotiable for each individual over statutory retirement age,
dependent on regular medical competance checkups and driving skills retests.

High performance vehicles should be restricted to over 25 year olds
only after passing advanced driving course.

Car ownership should be restricted to no more than 2 per household.

Cyclists should be trained and tested, and not allowed on roads without
a valid license and roadworthy bicycle.

Motorcyclists should be legally enforced to permanently weld a sidecar
to every motorbike and only be allowed on the road
with the mother-in-law as a passenger.

fat rich middleaged Harley owners need a serious talking to about self image and fashion style..


ok, some of that was not entirely serious, but I meant most of it !