The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16949   Message #163706
Posted By: InOBU
15-Jan-00 - 10:47 PM
Thread Name: When does Folk = Not political music?
Subject: RE: When does Folk = Not political music?
Hi Richard:
Interesting and upsetting that there is Kosovar violence in England. Here in NY the Serb and Kosovar refugees are not at all fond of each other, but there has not been violence. Roma, in that conflict, have been victemised by all sides. That is a whole story in itself, but generally, Roma are passifists, as, if they have not been changed by forced assimilation, one of the real human rights abuses of Communisim, (I am the first to say) killing is Mahreemay, unclean, and even killing in self defense gets one bannished from Vlax-Roma communities. Most of the Czech Roma are Vlax. They are not saying the violence in your case was done by a Rom, are they? I have heard that claims that Roma fought with the Serbs was not quiet the whole story, that some Roma were cooersed by Serbs to fight, however, I would not be surprised if some Roma did fight against the Kosovars, because Kosavars have been absoultly terrible in their treatment of Roma, however, I have not yet heard a confirmed story of a Rom choosing to fight with the Serbs. I have heard, however, of a Romani child almost pulled apart by a Kosovar mob in one of the camps.
All the best