The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1637271
Posted By: GUEST,A
30-Dec-05 - 07:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Bobert, while this will seem like a moot point to you and you will say I am too specific or you might even say "Ya gonna ream a guy for a simple mistake?", your September 28th meeting might have been a little late. By a month..
To me, this is indicative of your postings regarding Katrina. The reason I choose to ignore your ranting and ravings.

I still wonder why a man in your position would not have tossed some equipment and clothes in a vehicle and went to the area to help out for a couple weeks.

Don't forget the Feds and other agencies had hundreds of vehicles headed towards the strike zone a couple days before the hit. They could not get there in time to do the evacuation. That was up to the firsy trsponders. As I said elsewhere, the truth would come to the surface. While it is still apparent that local Government failed to a degree, many of the NO residents could not have been pried out of there with a crowbar.

About everything you list was done. The Red Cross and the Salvation Army were on the outskirts of the strike zone BEFORE Katrina hit. Doing what you suggest on Sunday night would have been a little late, don't you think?